Helping our immigrants by creating opportunities

Public safety, jobs, and a good education help us all

Like my parents when they came to the US from Taiwan, immigrants today do not seek handouts but jobs and opportunities. The keys to creating such opportunities are ensuring public safety, reducing government spending and regulation, and providing a good education. Unfortunately, many of our government policies have been working in the opposite direction. 

Efforts to defund the police or relax enforcement of our laws have threatened public safety. Many of our immigrants have come to the US precisely because they are escaping countries where the rule of law has broken down, and they understand the supreme importance of public safety. My opponent voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which would have made the police liable for civil penalties, even in cases where they were acting in good faith in the line of duty according to all known laws. Instead of tying the hands of police by threatening to punish them when they follow the rules, we need to hold criminals accountable when they break them. One of my first priorities will be to make sure that laws are consistently enforced and that the police are empowered to responsibly protect our homes and streets. 

Excessive taxes, fees, and regulations can sink small businesses or even prevent them from getting started. My opponent supported Anaheim’s Measure A, which would have created high minimum wages and onerous employer requirements in the hotel industry. If passed, Measure A, in addition to spurring inflation, would have undermined profits, leading hotels to close. I will help our immigrant population by making sure that businesses can make a profit and create new jobs. At the same time, we can increase worker pay by reducing government spending and taxes, allowing them to keep more of the money that they are earning.

One of the best ways for immigrants to realize their dreams is by providing the best educational opportunities for their children. Many of our schools have ratings of 1 or 2 on a 10-point scale. Such failing schools are the result of a lack of accountability. On the one hand, social promotion prevents teachers from demanding responsibility from students, leading to a deterioration of standards. On the other hand, the public-school monopoly on education prevents parents from being able to demand accountability from schools. I support school choice, which would allow parents to move their children to the best schools to meet their children’s needs. Charter schools and voucher programs have been proven to improve student performance, including in the existing public schools.

Please help me to ensure safe streets, job opportunities, and a good education for everyone. Find out more, donate, or volunteer at


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