Should parents be able to choose the best schools for their children?

Providing equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of background

We all want great schools for our children. But many of the schools in our district have ratings of one or two on a ten-point scale. In these schools a majority of the children are not performing at grade level in reading or in math. This is unacceptable. For wealthy parents, the solution is to move away or send their children to private schools. But we need to create opportunities for everyone, and school choice is the key to allowing all parents – not just the wealthy – to take control of their children’s educations. 

Charter schools have worked well in our district to provide choices for all parents, and school vouchers would expand these choices even more. Research on the school voucher program in Florida indicates that student test scores have increased, not only for children in charter and private schools, but in the public schools as well. 

We should all be able to select the options that are best for our children, with success being measured in hard work and merit rather than accident of birth. I will work to establish school choice as the pathway to a better future for all our children. 

Please consider a donation of $5 to help me to provide more options for our parents. You can donate and find out more details about my campaign at


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